23rd September 2024

Search Walton on the Wolds Parish Council

Walton on the Wolds Parish Council Serving the people of Walton on the Wolds

Planning Applications

Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the District/Borough Council directly. We receive details of applications and are consulted on them. We can submit our views (taking into account the views of local residents), but the District/Borough Council primarily look to us to provide local insight and may not follow our view. The public should send comments to both the Local Council and District/Borough Council within any deadline period. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.

Wed, 27 Jul 2022

T1 â%u20AC%u201C Oak - Reduce to 6m habitat monolith T2 â%u20AC%u201C Oak Reduce to 6m habitat monolith T3 â%u20AC%u201C Ash Fell to ground level. In the interests of safety and good woodland management it is proposed to reduce T1 and T2 to habitat monoliths, where they can continue to make a positive contribution to the biodiversity of the woodland. T3 shall be felled and removed. The works will be of no consequence to the amenity of the woodland which will maintain its overall structure and appearance

69 Six Hills Road Walton on the Wolds Leicestershire LE12 8JF

Mon, 4 Sep 2023

T1 Ash - Fell and treat stump with eco plugs (broadleaved).

1 The Green Walton On The Wolds Leicestershire LE12 8HR

Tue, 18 Apr 2023

removal of 1x sycamore as detailed in subsidence report

3 Black Lane Walton On The Wolds Leicestershire LE12 8HN

Mon, 4 Sep 2023

T4 (Holly) - Whole Tree Removal The tree works are proposed to stop the influence of the tree(s) on the soil below building foundation level and provide long term stability.

5 Poplar Hill Walton On The Wolds Leicestershire LE12 8JD

Mon, 4 Sep 2023

S3 (Ceanothus) - Remove T2 (Cotoneaster) - Remove T4 (Birch (Silver)) - Remove The tree works are proposed to stop the influence of the tree(s) on the soil below building foundation level and provide long term stability

9 Loughborough Road Walton On The Wolds Leicestershire LE12 8HT

Mon, 27 Nov 2023

Discharge of Planning Condition 10 (Construction Management Plan) of Planning Application ref:P/21/0615/2 (Outline Application for the erection of up to 60 residential dwellings, with all matters reserved except access)

Sturdee Poultry Farm 30 Sowters Lane Burton On The Wolds Leicestershire LE12 5AL

Tue, 4 Jul 2023

Erection of 6no. dwellings and associated access, parking and landscaping (following demolition of existing buildings) Amended Plans (design amendments) recieved 6.11.2023

Sturdee Poultry Farm,30 Sowters Lane,Burton On The Wolds,Leicestershire,LE12 5AL

Thu, 15 Jun 2023

Application for Approval of Reserved Matters relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of Outline Planning Permission P/21/0615/2 for the erection of up to 60 residential dwellings (Revised layout received 26.10.2023)

Sturdee Poultry Farm,30 Sowters Lane,Burton On The Wolds,Leicestershire,LE12 5AL

Tue, 19 Dec 2023

Erection of detached two storey dwelling with associated parking, widened access and associated amenity space and landscaping.

28 Sowters Lane Burton On The Wolds Leicestershire LE12 5AL

Mon, 26 Jun 2023

To vary s106 obligation relating to permission reference P/19/0041/2 in respect of Affordable Housing provisions (amend mortgagee exemption clause)

Land off Melton Road Burton on the Wolds LE12 5AL

Wed, 24 Jul 2024

Change of use of to buildings to a dwelling and associated works

Elms Lodge Farm Melton Road Barrow Upon Soar Leicestershire LE12 8HX

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

Reserved Matters application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of development for 56 no. dwellings (as allowed at appeal under appeal reference APP/X2410/W/22/3310932 on 26/07/2023 (P/21/1105/2)

Loughborough Road Burton On The Wolds Leicestershire

Wed, 24 Jan 2024

Construction and operation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) farm with associated infrastructure, including inverters, transformers, substations, security cameras, fencing, access tracks and landscaping in Melton BC & installation of underground high voltage electricity cable connection, and associated infrastructure between the proposed solar and point of connection with pylon in Charnwood BC (Cross boundary application)

Land East of Six Hills Road, Ragdale, Melton Mowbray Road Verge along Firebeacon Lane South of Six Hills Leicestershire

Mon, 15 Aug 2022

1 x chestnut :- Remove deadwood. Crown shape/reduce back by 1m to clear highway. Crown lift to give 2.5m ground clearance

Opposite 6 and 7 Six Hills Road Walton on the Wolds Leicestershire

Fri, 19 Apr 2024

Discharge of Conditions 11 (Construction Traffic Management Plan ) and 13 (Travel Plan) of Planning Application ref: P/22/1728/2 (Proposed erection of 21 industrial units (Class B2/B8 and E(g)) with associated site works incorporating access, parking, delivery vehicle turning areas and landscaping)

Land South of Wymeswold Industrial Estate off Burton Lane Wymeswold Lane Wymeswold Leicestershire

Mon, 3 Jun 2024

Discharge of Conditions 3 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) and 6 (Trees and Hedges) of Planning Application ref: P/22/1728/2 (Proposed erection of 21 industrial units (Class B2/B8 and E(g)) with associated site works incorporating access, parking, delivery vehicle turning areas and landscaping)

Wymeswold Industrial Park Wymeswold Lane Wymeswold Leicestershire

Tue, 18 Apr 2023

Fir trees T1 and T2 (see plan) crown reduction to 6metres (20 feet).

The Standings 3 Muckle Gate Lane Seagrave Leicestershire LE12 7LD

Wed, 2 Feb 2022

Erection of detached dwelling with garage and access.

Land adjacent to Muckle Gate Lane Seagrave Leicestershire LE12 7LD

Mon, 5 Sep 2022

ITEM A - Removal of Prunus Serrulate to front of property ITEM B - Pruning of Leylandii hedge on boundary between 30 and 28 Green lane ITEM C - Removal of 3 Thuja trees on boundary of 30 Green lane and 1 Green lane Close. ITEM D - Crown lifting and top prune to Holly tree to the front of property

30 Green Lane Seagrave Leicestershire LE12 7LU

Fri, 1 Sep 2023

T1 (Oak) : Crown reduce by 20%, crown lift to 5m height. T2 (Silver Birch) : Crown reduce by 20% T3 (Bird Cherry) : Crown reduce by 30%, remove deadwood T4 (Beech) : Crown lift to 3m height T5 (Maple) : Crown lift to 3m height T6 (Paperbark Birch) : Crown reduce by 20% T7 (Chery Plum) : Crown reduce by 1/3, remove deadwood

26 Green Lane Seagrave Leicestershire LE12 7LU

Thu, 16 Jun 2022

Variation of condition 1 (approved plans - landscaping) of P/15/0229/2 Erection of 291 dwellings - (Reserved matters - Outline application P/10/1518/2 refers)

84 Melton Road Barrow Upon Soar Leicestershire LE12 8NX

Tue, 8 Aug 2023

Variation of Condition 7 of P/15/0229/2 to alter footpaths and play areas

Land at Melton Road Barrow Upon Soar Leicestershire LE12 8NX

Thu, 26 May 2022

Installation of 2x9m light poles.

Walton Grange Bandalls Lane Walton On The Wolds Leicestershire LE12 8JH

Tue, 21 Feb 2023

T1 -hazel - fell T2 Elder - fell T3 apple- prune out all 'water shoots'

Appletree Cottage 41 King Street Seagrave Leicestershire LE12 7LY

Fri, 2 Aug 2024

Change of use of land to residential and erection of 1.8m fence.

17 Cypress Road Barrow Upon Soar Leicestershire LE12 8WA

Thu, 2 May 2024

Retrospective Full Planning Application for the change of use of part of runway at Wymeswold Airfield to B8 Storage and Distribution (for Motor Vehicles) with associated works and proposed internal access road to link Burton Road (TO BE CONFIRMED)

Land off Prestwold Lane Prestwold Leicestershire

Mon, 8 Jul 2024

Erection of two storey side extension to create one-bed flat with under croft to rear car park, erection of rear first floor extension to Flat 12, alterations to front elevation and flat roof, installation of solar PV panels and planters to front of retail units to enclose terrace areas

12 North Street Barrow Upon Soar Leicestershire LE12 8QA

Last updated: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 12:24